Wednesday 27 April 2011

Mr BF complained that my room is in a big big mess!!!
so last night I had a hell time with the whole room.
cleared many bags of clothes and vacuum the hairy floor ALL BY MYSELF!!!
*tilt head feeling proud*
now my room is much cleaner and tidier.
but more to be done this weekend, Mr BF promise to help!!!
we wanna get a bigger bed since nowadays we nap a lot whenever we're in my room.
and definetly a bigger wardrobe.
can you imagine i have 2 luggages full of clothes which can't be hung up in the wardrobe!!!
and i realised i have many clothese from taiwan and bkk not wore yet!!!

hmm~ shall hunt for furnitures soon with Mr BF.
wanna build our small love nest first before a bigger one come in a few years time :)

Thursday 21 April 2011

Happy Thurday & Happy PH to all!!!
we all love PH don't we?
next, looking forward to my BKK trip on the 13th May.
been so long since the lee family travel together.
this trip gonna be just the 4 of us, without our bf/husband tagging along haha.
seriously i have lost count on the times i went holiday at BKK.
my dad even wanna migrate there -_-
i love BKK...but not to this extent lah!

sadly, i have to sell my SHOW's concert ticket away as it clashes with my BKK trip!
baby ying, enjoy the concert alright!


Tuesday 19 April 2011

been busy lately, doing lots of research for my big day which will happen in a year time.
3rd March 2012 will be the day!!!
now we're going through a period of intensive decision making.
venue? indoor outdoor? lunch or dinner? how many pax? who to invite? who can we not invite? make up artist/hairstylist? photographer/videographer? gown? live band?
lots to decide just for this special moment when he becomes my fiance and I become his fiancee.

seriously I hate hate hate to be in the limelight.
the thought that we are gonna be the male and female lead for our solemnisation makes me nervous more than anything else!!!
nervous put aside...I'm sure love will filled the air, surrounding with blessings from all the guests.

hair please grow faster and longer will you
my fiance-to-be love me lots lots with long hair!

i look CHIO with long hair right? hahaha!!!

ps♥ i want to be his pretty bride!