Sunday 22 May 2011

$$$ CASINO $$$

one fine day, really random, out of nowhere, suddenly, we decided to step into the casino at MBS.
we think we should have a look at how a casino looks like and how it operates for at least once in our life, so we paid the entrance fee's actually quite FUN!!!
some games are pretty easy after observing for a few rounds.
over there we can see all sort of people.
i can stay there for hours to observe people and not playing.
i find it really funny and cute to see many aunties and uncles playing jackpot.
not easy to spot a single young adult.
and from what i saw from tvs i find that the dealers are not professional enough.
they are also not pretty and handsome enough, uniform also not nice. haha!
but environment wise...not too bad.
we get to enjoy free flow of cold/hot drinks :)
we won some money so not too bad la $_$
Bangkok City I Can't Stop!

my most tiring bkk trip EVER!!!
glad i have her as shopping kaki *see above pic :)
it's never the same to go shopping with boys!!! REALLY!!!
although they can help to carry bags and even more bags, but what girls really need is their truthful opinion on they stuff that they are gg to buy which they always fail to do it.
ok stop, don't make myself sound like one super shopaholic!

the quality time that we spent together during this trip was the most precious & enjoyable one.
we wouldnt know when will be the next lee family trip :(
seriously although my bf & bro-in-law are already a part of the LEE, the feeling is still different with them and without them.
but i really hope one day we can have a 6 persons trippppyyyy :p

BKK, waitwaitwaitwait FOR ME!!!
i'm COMING real SOON!!!!!! :o

Sunday 8 May 2011


can never imagine that 2 years without mummy!
im spoilt and pampered by her for years.
now i will learn everything that i can from her...
it will be my turn to spoil and pamper her :)

so this is what an election/voting is all about.
we're not suppose to tell anyone who we voted right?
but supporters were cheering/jeering for all the parties last night, i think it wasnt a secret anymore. was PAP for me!
some say PAP is pay and pay but i believe not only singapore is going through all these rising costs, the global economic crisis put us into this situation.
of course there will always bound to be complains here and there...
but i personally still feel proud and fortunate to be a singaporean!
i sing our national songs say our national pledge and i mean it.
maybe because we are so well protected and that's why we tend to take things for granted?
without our MM what would singapore be?
what we see now in this clean and green singapore the credits should all go to him.
it's really sad to see him growing older day by day :(
anyway if under the opposition, the future of singapore is still a big question mark.
somehow i feel that the appearance of Nicole Seah affected the votes of some residence.
she is a stronger candidate than Tin Pei Ling, everyone is comparing them.
conclusion is, blames should all go to Mrs Kate Spade for the fall of percentage (PAP) for this year's GE.
Mrs Kate Spade, people hate you not because they think you are young or they can't afford a kate spade bag like you do.
people hate you because you do not have what it takes to be in the parliament.
the videos you were in tells it all!!!
stamp your feet and say "i don't know what to say" -_-
lastly, I support PAP but not YOU!

Monday 2 May 2011

mummy at the door going to the market...

mummy: call me about 15 mins later

me: why?

mummy: i want to hear my new ringtone

-_- '''

Sunday 1 May 2011


a few kgs of stone finally offloaded!!!
am feeling so light now that i can almost fly!
we have finally booked the venue for our RM!
the lucky us get to enjoy some perks from the wedding show at vivo, good timing i should say!
we really like the place, as it is outdoor not indoor like function room or ballroom which is kinda boring.
is like having your special day in a squarish room and then arrangement of everything is kinda fixed already and kinda expected where the chairs and tables will be.
but! there's a lot to worry for an outdoor event.
hot? rain? flies?
but i believe....
our ♥ will fight win all these obstacles!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Mr BF complained that my room is in a big big mess!!!
so last night I had a hell time with the whole room.
cleared many bags of clothes and vacuum the hairy floor ALL BY MYSELF!!!
*tilt head feeling proud*
now my room is much cleaner and tidier.
but more to be done this weekend, Mr BF promise to help!!!
we wanna get a bigger bed since nowadays we nap a lot whenever we're in my room.
and definetly a bigger wardrobe.
can you imagine i have 2 luggages full of clothes which can't be hung up in the wardrobe!!!
and i realised i have many clothese from taiwan and bkk not wore yet!!!

hmm~ shall hunt for furnitures soon with Mr BF.
wanna build our small love nest first before a bigger one come in a few years time :)

Thursday 21 April 2011

Happy Thurday & Happy PH to all!!!
we all love PH don't we?
next, looking forward to my BKK trip on the 13th May.
been so long since the lee family travel together.
this trip gonna be just the 4 of us, without our bf/husband tagging along haha.
seriously i have lost count on the times i went holiday at BKK.
my dad even wanna migrate there -_-
i love BKK...but not to this extent lah!

sadly, i have to sell my SHOW's concert ticket away as it clashes with my BKK trip!
baby ying, enjoy the concert alright!


Tuesday 19 April 2011

been busy lately, doing lots of research for my big day which will happen in a year time.
3rd March 2012 will be the day!!!
now we're going through a period of intensive decision making.
venue? indoor outdoor? lunch or dinner? how many pax? who to invite? who can we not invite? make up artist/hairstylist? photographer/videographer? gown? live band?
lots to decide just for this special moment when he becomes my fiance and I become his fiancee.

seriously I hate hate hate to be in the limelight.
the thought that we are gonna be the male and female lead for our solemnisation makes me nervous more than anything else!!!
nervous put aside...I'm sure love will filled the air, surrounding with blessings from all the guests.

hair please grow faster and longer will you
my fiance-to-be love me lots lots with long hair!

i look CHIO with long hair right? hahaha!!!

ps♥ i want to be his pretty bride!

Saturday 26 March 2011

it's really scary when somone tells you that he/she is going to die.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

dinner at old airport road later with family.
the $5 prawn noodle is a MUST TRY!!!
yum yum~

Sunday 20 March 2011

we said the person in the mascot must be a guy, judging from the way how it posed and take photos with girls!

Thursday 17 March 2011

this weekend moomoo will be the king!
oh no no *prince* hee~
I will let him has the say in everything which normally he dont get to enjoy this.
this is to reward him for all the hardships that he has gone through these few days at work. waking up early, endure the super long journey bus, everyone's having their breakfast except him, doing shitty work, reaching home late and sleeping late.
moomoo *pat pat* just one more day to TGIF!!!
I'll get rid all your tireness awayyyy!!!

my prince!


Tuesday 15 March 2011

sad to him tired :c

SO PLS ACCEPT IT AND STOP PICKING ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 13 March 2011

i, seriously have a very cutee niece!

how time flies, she's 6 now.
she was born the day after moo & I got together, so I always say she's the product of ours :)
when she was even younger she was those 慢热 kind, a really slow rice cooker!
we always need to warm her up before she would start talking and playing with us.
but now, HELL NO! she's super 狂热!!!
but of course not with someone who she's unfamiliar with.
I believe now she's bigger she starts to recognise people.
So even if we visit her once a month she will still remember who we are.
That's good, we can save all the time for warming up :)
Sometimes I do pity her, she has no one to play with or talk to.
Her grandma at home only know how to watch teebee and both her parents are working.
So she calls up my house very often to find my mum to talk.
Sad right???
I hope I can visit her more often so that she won't feel lonely.
We brought her to the Zoo before. So what's next? Sentosa or USS?
Her family is not really well to do, she might be missing a lot in her childhood.
I just wanna treat her like my own daughter, my princess!!!
Afterall, she's named by me.
My lovely Annabelle, you must grow up well ok?

Saturday 12 March 2011

always the very last minute mugging!!!

been memorising so hard for my OB paper which is this coming Mon.
hope all my hard work pays off :)

110225 SJM SUPER JUNIOR-M Love is Sweet 幸福微甜


這城市 夜晚鬧哄哄
人潮像 快轉的時鐘
這不是 我要的感動
廉價的妝 都太濃
這感覺 我不知怎麼形容

街道上 閃爍的霓虹
就像是 短暫的笑容
能不能 給我一分鐘
安安靜靜 跟妳溝通
親愛的 我真的跟他們不同

話不多 我天生慢熟
不是不想 牽妳手
只是在 等妳 微笑點頭
對妳 我始終溫柔

請別怪我 沉默 害羞 慢熟 為擁抱找理由
我真的 愛上不囉嗦 可以很勇敢 大聲地說

*幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
開心明顯 我們往 對方的身上互黏
快樂不避嫌 我們住在彼此 心裡面 一天天 累積眷戀
幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
結局鮮艷 故事裡 我們一起走很遠
完美一整遍 愛剛出爐 正新鮮 我輕咬下永遠

這城市 夜晚鬧哄哄
人潮像 快轉的時鐘
這不是 我要的感動
廉價的妝 都太濃
這感覺 我不知怎麼形容

街道上 閃爍的霓虹
就像是 短暫的笑容
能不能 給我一分鐘
安安靜靜 跟妳溝通
親愛的 我真的跟他們不同

話不多 我天生慢熟
不是不想 牽妳手
只是在 等妳 微笑點頭
對妳 我始終溫柔

請別怪我 沉默 害羞 慢熟 為擁抱找理由
我真的 愛上不囉嗦 可以很勇敢 大聲地說

*幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
開心明顯 我們往 對方的身上互黏
快樂不避嫌 我們住在彼此 心裡面 一天天 累積眷戀
幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
結局鮮艷 故事裡 我們一起走很遠
完美一整遍 愛剛出爐 正新鮮 我輕咬下永遠

妳要什麼 其實其實我懂 那戀愛就該放輕鬆
跑車拉風 不需要眼紅 過多的掌聲是種虛榮 妳也懂
我不會編織那美夢 但卻會讓妳 很受寵 給的真心很 受用

*幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
開心明顯 我們往 對方的身上互黏
快樂不避嫌 我們住在彼此 心裡面 一天天 累積眷戀
幸福上演 劇情微甜 我輕嚐妳的臉
結局鮮艷 故事裡 我們一起走很遠
完美一整遍 愛剛出爐 正新鮮 我輕咬下永遠

Friday 11 March 2011


Remember this lollipop???

My childhood sweet :)

Thursday 10 March 2011

time to bring them for a wash, they are getting yellowish.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

#♥16 ♥- 27♥

I'm happy to have such a memorable post as my first entry. #16-27 a future number existing right now in our heart. I'm trying to find the right words to describe my feelings. Happy? Excited? Nervous? Maybe it was a mixture of feelings but UNBELIVABLE should be the right word! Seriously, I couldnt believe I'm doing this, this soon!!! Tan Ming Huat what spell have you casted on me? Everything became so real the moment we stepped into HDB Hub, both cracking our brains for the final decision. Having a house with you is like a dream come true. Now we are one step nearer to our wedding which I'm already anticipating!!! All I wanna say is, I have never regretted for the past 6 years. I'm just so glad that it is you!!! It is you who I went through all these with. It is you who make it possible. In the future it's all gonna be YOU YOU YOU!!!